Join brotherhood of steel new vegas
Join brotherhood of steel new vegas

join brotherhood of steel new vegas

The second task is to locate several patrols that have gone missing.If the ranger is saved, NCR fame is awarded, but the quest will fail.

join brotherhood of steel new vegas

  • Reveal the location of the Brotherhood of Steel to the NCR ranger, and he will then remove the collar from the Courier, but will be ambushed by Brotherhood of Steel paladins.
  • Passing a Speech check (40) will lead to the ranger blowing himself up the next time he uses the radio. If the ranger is in the room while the radio is being rigged, he will notice what was done and will confront the Courier. When he returns, he will go fiddle with the radio and meet a quick death.
  • The radio can also be rigged to explode.
  • Smashing the radio with Dobson in the room will make him turn hostile.
  • The Courier can also ask about his radio, wait until daylight when he leaves the bunker, select his radio and choose the option to smash it.
  • Dobson can be convinced to leave by passing a Speech check (50), and a good reputation with the NCR.
  • Success is rewarded with a removal of the collar, free movement about the bunker and the next quest.
  • The first task is to remove Ranger Dobson who has set up shop in a nearby bunker.
  • The Courier is fitted with an explosive collar, which will detonate after passing beyond a certain range of the area. The elder will explain the secretive nature of the location. The Courier's gear is not confiscated, there is no explosive collar, and the first quest is skipped.
  • Note: If entry is gained with Veronica as a companion, certain parts of the quest line are omitted.
  • A meeting with Elder McNamara follows and the first quest is assigned. A short scene follows in which the Courier is questioned by Senior Paladin Ramos about the password itself. Using the BOS password or picking the lock will cause a Brotherhood of Steel squad to appear and confiscate the Courier's entire inventory.
  • Getting two playbacks from ED-E will eventually let Senior Knight Lorenzo manage to hack into ED-E's communication systems and ask the Courier to find a Brotherhood patrol so they can have a look at ED-E's databanks.
  • Getting far enough in any faction's storyline to be asked to find the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • join brotherhood of steel new vegas

  • Finding any one of the three holotapes on dead Brotherhood of Steel paladins.
  • To gain access to the interior of this bunker, the Courier needs to either have a Lockpick skill of 100 (Very Hard) or perform certain other actions to be able to interact with the intercom, such as: Still in the Dark is a quest obtained inside the Brotherhood of Steel's western compound, the Hidden Valley bunker.

    Join brotherhood of steel new vegas